Review these 6 steps on how to identify your life core values by using some simple steps. You first need to understand what values are and why they are important.
Before you dig down on how to identify your life core values you first need to understand that what are values? Why they are important? How are they linked to your success and goals?
Human beings are the most interesting creatures of the world. We as humans live by certain core values that define our priorities. We all have values; some may mention them and focus, while some follow them without mentioning. To be clear about our values the best practice is to define them, stand by them, and repeat them.
Core Values are our priorities within our life. Anything that we prioritize repeatedly becomes our values. When those values are once defined and we put some efforts to standby them, our life becomes easier. Because defining values and not standing by them will definitely contradict our statement and actions. But that truly does not mean that values cannot change. Definitely they can change over time depending upon situation. Values are not limited, neither have they had fix boundaries.
Let’s help you define your values in the following steps below;
Step 1: Identify What Made You The Most Contented
Values are something that gives us happiness when we do it. In order to find out how to identify your values, you first need to analyze when was the last time you did something and it gave you a sense of contentment? You can connect any such occurrence to your personal or professional life.
- What were you doing when you felt contented?
- Were you alone at that time or was there someone or a group of people with you?
- Were there more reasons contributing to your happiness?

Step 2: When Were The Times That Made You Proud Of Yourself
The second step is to identify the time when you felt the most proud of yourself.
- Why were you proud of yourself?
- Was your pride shared with more people? If yes, who were they?
- Were there more factors contributing to your pride?
Step 3: Times When You Were Satisfied
In the third step, you need to identify the times when you felt satisfied. Sometimes we mix the feeling of happiness and being satisfied. Do you know that satisfaction is something that is somewhat related to happiness, but not completely? Actually feeling satisfied is related to feeling fulfilled (having inner peace) and contented. Therefore, you need to identify the times when you felt the most satisfied. Take examples from your personal and professional life for this.
- What need or desire of yours was fulfilled?
- How did that experience felt meaningful for you? Why?
- What others factors were involved to give you an experience of fulfilment?
Step 4: Identify your top life core values based on the experiences described above, such as content, pride and fulfilment.
In the fourth step, you get to identify your top values based on the experiences you have obtained related to your feelings of contentment, pride and fulfilment. Do you know why these experiences have been memorable for you? Because they had a connection with your preferred values. What you have to do now is choose any of ten values from the lists given below. You might notice a few of them are naturally combined or interlinked. For instance if you value discipline, it is more likely for you to value timeliness, commitment, and focus as well.

Accountability | Creativity | Fidelity | Legacy | Serenity |
Accuracy | Curiosity | Fitness | Love | Service |
Achievement | Decisiveness | Fluency | Loyalty | Shrewdness |
Adventurousness | Democratic | Focus | Making a difference | Simplicity |
Altruism | Dependability | Freedom | Mastery | Soundness |
Ambition | Determination | Fun | Merit | Speed |
Assertiveness | Devoutness | Generosity | Obedience | Spontaneity |
Balance | Diligence | Goodness | Openness | Stability |
Being the best | Discipline | Grace | Order | Strategic |
Belonging | Discretion | Growth | Originality | Strength |
Boldness | Diversity | Happiness | Patriotism | Structure |
Calmness | Dynamism | Hard Work | Perfection | Success |
Carefulness | Economy | Health | Positivity | Support |
Challenge | Effectiveness | Helping Society | Practicality | Teamwork |
Cheerfulness | Efficiency | Holiness | Preparedness | Temperance |
Clear-mindedness | Elegance | Honesty | Professionalism | Thankfulness |
Commitment | Empathy | Honor | Prudence | Thoroughness |
Community | Engagement | Humility | Quality | Thoughtfulness |
Compassion | Enjoyment | Independence | Reliability | Timeliness |
Competitiveness | Enthusiasm | Ingenuity | Resourcefulness | Tolerance |
Consistency | Equality | Inner Harmony | Restraint | Traditionalism |
Contentment | Excellence | Inquisitiveness | Results | Trustworthiness |
Continuous | Excitement | Insightfulness | Rigour | Truth-seeking |
Improvement | Expertise | Intelligence | Security | Uniqueness |
Contribution | Exploration | Intellectual Status | Self-actualization | Unity |
Control | Expressiveness | Intuition | Self-control | Usefulness |
Cooperation | Fairness | Joy | Selflessness | Vision |
Correctness | Faith | Justice | Self-reliance | Visibility |
Courtesy | Family-oriented | Leadership | Sensitivity | Vitality |

Step 5: Prioritize Your Best Values
The fifth step is the most crucial one. Because once you have defined your values, now there is a need to stick by them. You cannot religiously follow all of them that you value, but a few among all of them may be the most important to you. Therefore, prioritizing them based on your preference is required.
- Write down any of your top values (not necessarily in a particular order)
- Next I have a link to an excellent website site that will help you identify your Personal Values
- Once you have written them down, choose the top value, then compare it with the second one. See if the first one is the most crucial to you, would you compromise on the second one? Or would you compromise on the first one if you had to between two of them? Once you have chosen, you can move to the next value and compare it with the chosen one.
- That’s how you will end up making a list of values in the correct order. Starting from the most important value to you, ending on the least valued among all of them.
Step 6: Uphold Your Values
Now you can identify your topmost values and make sure that if they are aligned to your lifestyle and vision or not?
- Do these values make you feel accomplished about yourself?
- Do you feel proud about your top three values?
- Would share your values with others make you feel comfortable or proud of yourself?
- Do these values endorse what you value, represent, or prioritize in your personal life as well as your career?
When you are successful in identifying your values, do not forget to consider them in the process of decision making. Because values can help you make realistic decisions, aligned with your preferences and vision. It also builds a sense of integrity when you keep your values ahead making any sort of decision in life.